Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tea Party Census Rhetoric Backfiring on Conservatives

Thanks to paranoid anti-Census preaching by uber-wingnuts like Michelle Bachmann and Glenn Beck, conservative areas of the U.S. may actually LOSE representation in Congress the next time around.  According to the Daily Kos...
Contrary to historical trends, the Houston Chronicle notes one of the toughest challenges facing U.S. Census officials is "not from counting the traditionally undercounted groups such as African-Americans and Latinos. Instead, a new and growing threat to an accurate national head count is coming from anti-government conservatives who may not fill out their forms to protest against 'Big Brother' in Washington."

The POST goes on to say that in some parts of Texas, response rates have been as low as 5 percent.  Keep up the great work Rep. "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann (below)!!



Big Mark 243 said...

Ooh... I have my fingers crossed on this one!! But it would make the Tea Baggers even crazier...

Joy said...

Those Tea Bag Domestic Terrorists are the wingnut's wingnut. One of them who comments on my blog wrote on her blog that it's taking her a YEAR to read Atlas Shrugged!! She said it's because it's "so pithy" and she's cross-referencing current events. Really!

This with the census is counter-productive, but they don't seem to recognize that.

Wonder Man said...

I'm so glad to hear this

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