Click to embiggen. Unsurprisingly, I live in the land of "Freaks". My favorites? New Zealand ("Hobbits") and Antarctica ("Stupid Penguins").
Where do you live? Where have you visited?
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I live in the Land of the Stoners, Dude.
Grew up in Drunks and Nothing Land.
I have visited
Jesus and Meth Land
Freak Land
Inbreeding Land
Lazy F*cks Land
Hrmmmm . . . I give it a C- for laziness and a little plagiarism. It might have been a D or even an F were it not for the "Libertarians' Wet Dream" of Somalia, which is perfect.
Australia is Arkansas with a beach? Hello? That could not be more wrong. The UK and Ireland = "inbreeding"?? WTF?
And yeah - Northern Europeans? Just "Assholes". Those Scandinavians - such assholes. Those Dutch - such assholes.
It's official, I'm a [Dutch] Asshole* who has visited other Assholes, Lazy Fucks, the Corrupt and Broken, Inbreeders, but also the Freaks and Jesus & Meth.
*Thanks Marker!
BTW, always look at the bright side of life!
Duuuuuude, like the most excellent Froggy, I too reside in the land of Stoners. I also grew up here.
I've visited Jesus and Meth land (which sounds like a pretty rad theme park., Drunks and Nothings and also Drugland. I'm sending my oldest to the land of Inbreeding, though thankfully with no close relations. Dodged that bullet.
@Peter - I thought it would be evident, but in case not: I was parroting what I see as the map's extremely wrong, unfunny, and clumsy generalization of Northern Europeans in my earlier comment about Scandinavians and Dutch. Those are absolutely not my opinions.
Oh yes, I live in Jesus and Meth Land. Too bad it's not Haysoose and Limon Land.
Funny, Marker!
I live in the land of Hobbits... which also happens to be the land of gorgeous pacific islander men. If you've never been to NZ, it's worth a trip just to catch a glimpse of those beautiful brown boys!
Aussie -
I've always wanted to - men from the Pacific Islands are GORGEOUS.
Thanks for the comment.
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