Saturday, November 6, 2010

Yep, It's Caturday!

The cat in the video (below) totally reminds me of Dusty when we play "fetch" - as long as I keep throwing her ball, she'll keep bringing it back to me. It is her favorite thing in the entire world...


Miss Ginger Grant said...

How cute! And what a precious name for a cat!!

Mine are getting old- they just kinda lay there and purr these days!!

the dogs' mother said...

I better show this to the puppies! More games to play.

Ken Riches said...

It is funny how our pets find routines that they love.

Anonymous said...

Cuuuuuute pic! Love it!

Beth said...

Isn't that the cutest! How fun that Dusty plays fetch with you! XOXO

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