I just watched fame whore Ralph Nader announce on Meet The Press that he will “run for president” again this year. You may recall that this is the asshole who cost the Democrats Florida in 2000, thus allowing George W. Bush (Best Preznit EVER) to take the White House.
As Joe Sudbay from Americablog said today - Ralph Nader doesn’t need to be on Meet The Press, he needs to be on A&E’s Intervention (a FANTASTIC show, BTW). I would diagnose his condition as AJS - “Attention Junkie Syndrome.
In the name of all that is holy, DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS ASSHAT!
What an ass
I can't believe this jerk-off is running again. What the f*ck is going on here?
On my way to lunch today with a couple of friends we were talking about Mr. Nader. One person in the car called him a dumb f_ck and I called him an Attention Whore.
Everyone just ignore him and he'll go away. If anyone is delusional enough to still consider voting for him - by doing so you will NOT make a point. You made that point in 2000, and look where it got us. (Thanks a fucking lot, by the way.) Enough.
My Dust Bunnies are such a smart bunch! It's unanimous - Ralph Nader is an ASS.
I hate Ralph Nader. I think I walked by him on the street once when I was on my cell. I think if I recognized him quicker I would have yelled something nasty like "thanks for the bush administration!"
I honestly don't think his running is going to make much of a difference this time around. He didn't get many votes in 2004. And if Obama is the Democratic candidate, he'll be the new guy getting the kids excited enough to get out to the polls. I think all Nader will accomplish is further alienating people and destorying his "legacy"
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