Monday, February 1, 2010

Things I Didn't Need To See...

Regardless of the TMI photo above, I feel bad for Lady Gaga.  She risks life and limb at the Grammys by wearing multiple outfits which could stab and kill her in if she fell ... and then loses to Susie Creamcheese...


kayce. said...

...not to mention beyowulf.

my theory is that grammy voters felt the need to award beyonce so many times b/c she's supposedly taking "time off" next year & not releasing an album. idk about that, but i DO know that there are some awards she didn't deserve (sorry, bey stans). the one that still sticks in my craw is "best vocals" for 'halo' ~ great vocals, yes, but adele easily blows it outta the water.

anywho, i'm glad gaga didn't let it get to her and she was her usual crazy self, lol. her performance w/ elton was THE MOST (not to mention best of the night, imho). i coulda done w/ out taylor's performance, tho. she made the glamour queen that is stevie nicks look a mess.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

I know.... Lady GaGa is super diva flamboyant and a fantastic entertainer, and she loses a singing contest to a bitch who can't carry a tune in a bucket! Someone should stopped TayTay halfway through that song... "Imma stop you before you make a fool of yourself!"

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the people sitting behind GaGa were thrilled to be looking at her hat. It reminds me of Superman's Fortress of Solitude.

Eduardo Guize said...

Yeah, I also hope Gaga never sits in front of me at the movie theater...

Kwana said...

I agree. I went to see Gaga with the daughter for her birthday and she won me over. If you have time check out my posts:

Taylor should be thanking Kanye for such a good year. I was hoping that Nicole Kidman would run up and say Keith deserved the award. Ugh.

Joy said...

I don't understand why Taylor Swift keeps winning all these awards. Others are much better singers and performers. She couldn't hold her own singing with Stevie Nicks.

The Lady GaGa and Elton John performance was outstanding! She can sing. I thought about having to sit behind her, too. That's was definitely an oops TMI photo!

What's with Beyonce swinging her hair everywhere and getting on her knees and carrying on? Bouncy was on a roll!

I kept wondering if Pink got the audience wet being a sprinkler system. That was some gymnastics!

And Katy Perry and Russell Brand engaged? Cannot wrap my mind around that at all.

Anonymous said...


SHE MADE ME WISH FOR A CHRIS BROWN ASS WHOOPING! She better thank Kanye for her career. Bitch can't sing, end of it all.

SteveA said...

Pink and GaGa were awesome performers. I like Beyonce but I am tired of her - she is becoming a bit dated when compared to GaGa.

Also Taylor Swift? I don't understand how she could win Album of the Year? That was upsetting!

I agree with Kayce - Adele has a great voice and she is fresh and has her own style!

Mark in DE said...

GaGa ROCKS! Taylor Swift makes me want to barf.

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