Monday, February 1, 2010

White Meat Monday - The Meat Locker

Since I already showed you a bunch of BEEF this morning, I thought I feature some chicken and maybe some delicious lamb here in the Meat Locker this afternoon.  What do you think?...


Wonder Man said...


Anonymous said...


mikeinbama said...

The first guy is...all american delicious!

SteveA said...

1 and 2 are hot!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so nearly blind me with the ferocious gorgeousness that is Bachelor #1.

Then, just as my sight is returning, I'm clobbered by the viciously delicious thighs of Bachelor #4.

Finally, just to make sure I'm completely hobbled, you close out White Meat Monday by blasting me with the hirsute hotness of my alternate universe boyfriend, Caz.

How very dare you.

do it again.

Anonymous said...

David...stud #1 is sizzlin' HOT. Do you by any chance know his name?

David Dust said...

Tim -

Sorry I have no idea who #1 is.

Mark in DE said...

I enjoy ALL that the Meat Locker has to offer. :-)

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