Monday, September 13, 2010

My Chair - Part II

This is my chair, my seat of power: 
My presidency, ministry - ivory tower.

This is my chair whence I command; 
Scream my orders, dictate - demand!

This is my chair from where I rule: 
I am sovereign; you are fool.

This is my chair, in which I snooze, 
Fantasise and swill my booze:

Pretend to be that which I’m not:

For what I am, is not a lot!

Poem Source.  To see My Chair Part One, click HERE.

1 comment:

mikeinbama said...

HOT HOT HOT.....I'll take them all.

OH Yeah, I forgot...Hey Lions
Hey Lions, we just beat
the hell out of you!
Rammer Jammer
Yellow Hammer
Give'm HELL

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