Sunday, April 10, 2011

Oh The PAIN ...

I won't know for sure until my doctor is consulted, but there's a 99.99% chance that I have Shingles - and it is NO JOKE. I haven't felt pain like this since the day the Manhattan Arby's closed, or when Fox cancelled Jonny Zero in 2005. Posting will be light until my doctor can be found and medication (PAINKILLERS!!) can be obtained. In the meantime, enjoy 46 seconds of my husband-in-my-head Franky G in the late, lamented Jonny Zero:


the dogs' mother said...

dear gawd! Went and read up on it.
some help to keep it from getting worse. good luck!!!

Bob said...

I had the Shingles just after Christmas.
Last a long time.
They don't kill you---THAT'S the good news.


Mistress Maddie said...

Good God girl, how did you get the shingles??? Is it from stress? I remember when the Boy-Toy had them. He sad he never felt pain like that. He got them from a stress out break and some even left scars they were so bad. You better call me bitch and keep me posted. Where are they?


Sassy said...

Good grief sweetie. I hope you get that doctor's appointment quick.

I had an aquaintance with shingles and I know the pain can get crazy.

I'll be thinking happy thoughts for you.

Amber LeMay said...

Joy said...

Oh I hope not! My mother had this and said it was so bad. Horrible pain and then she got postherpetic neuralgia, which made it last even longer. She took pain meds and put some medicated pads on the places and maybe some cream. Bless you!!

Angel said...

Oh honey...I know...horror story upon horror story, right? But my mom had shingles for a looong time. They ain't no joke. Please keep us posted on how you're doing..if you can manage. Sending get well thoughts your way Tranny. Love you!!

Mr.Mischief said...

Yeesh, shingles are no joke! Hopefully the doc gets you all medicined up soon!

Anonymous said...

This sucks! It's like an adult form of chicken pox and can be contagious to adults giving them chicken pox if they never had them. You should tell your roommate and you may not be able to go to work until your meds kick in.

Good luck and please keep us posted.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Take care of yourself and do what the Dr. says!!

mrs.missalaineus said...

oh man! hope you can get in asap.


kayce. said...

i'm so sorry you're in pain, boo... if you have to, you can always self-medicate with dr. bicardi (or nurse mary jane lol ~ god i'm corny). love you.

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