Friday, May 20, 2011

Rapture Prank Number Two ...

I like this one even better than NUMBER ONE.



Sassy said...

Yes! Best post yet sweetie.

I would be rolling on the floor laughing if I had come up with it.

MCWolfe said...

Hi David, there's a great episode of Six Feet Under where the woman who dies at the beginning sees a whole load of blow up dolls filled with helium getting loose from the truck that was taking them to an adult entertainment convention. She thinks its the Rapture and runs out into the street to get carried up to heaven (but runs into the path of an oncoming car instead). Hilarious in a sick and twisted way. You really should see it.


Sassy said...


We should convince all the Rapture believers to sign all their shit over to the rest of us QUICK.

After all, why do THEY need houses or bank accounts?

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