Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Another Reason To Hate Urban Outfitters

Somebody alert Miley Cyrus! Did you know that Urban Outfitters sells hipster Ramen noodles (with edgy, ironic instructions!) for $5.00 a pack?? Yep, the same Ramen you can get for 25 cents (or less) at the grocery store will cost you 5 bucks (ON SALE for $2.99!) at Urban Outfitters.



Joy said...


JiEL said...

We must be better consummers...

For example, some Lithium batteries for my digital camera are sold $60 in stores here.
Why should I buy them and getting ROBBED when I can have the same on Ebay for $3.00 from China....

They also send for FREE....

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