Monday, February 4, 2008

White Meat Monday Hotties


Marker said...

#1 wants to rough me up a bit, and I totally want him to.
#2 LOSE THE HAT!!! You look like a douchebag.

David Dust said...

Oh Marker - I LOVE an asshole in a hat! The douchier the better! :)

Marker said...

Even Ricky on PR? :) I think his are awful in a different way.

David Dust said...

Oh GOD NO! I take back what I said!!!!!!

Angel said...

HA!!!! I would not be caught DEAD lookin at what's under Ricky's hat! or anything else he has for that matter....but he was nice to Elisa!!

I can't wait for Wednesday!!!!

Dwight Supremacy said...

Good god! Why can't Monday's really be like this?!

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