Tuesday, January 26, 2010

¿Dónde Están Sus Camisas?

If you aren't bilingual like I am (lie), then you can translate the title of this post using Google Translate - which I never use because I don't have to (another lie).


Wonder Man said...

Robert is making me feel dirty

Anonymous said...

... en el suelo donde debe ser!

David Dust said...

Kevin -

Good one!

And I TOTALLY didn't have to copy and paste that into Google Translate to find out what you had written. Nope. Not me...


behrmark said...

Since I've been man-sitting Robert for Mark in DE for several months, I think I need #2 to keep Robert - er - busy while I'm work. Please?

Unknown said...

kevin, do you mean el piso????

david, i thought your french was really good... LOL

who's #2? he's mine.

David Dust said...

Todd - My French is worse than my Spanish ;)

Sorry, I only know who #1 is.


Unknown said...

i didn;t mean speaking french... (wink, wink)

Miss Ginger Grant said...

I'm sure their shirt are at the cleaners!

D. W. said...


D. W. said...


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