Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tonight's Dinner...


More details tomorrow.  But needless to say, this was a joyous evening in which Angels sang heavenly songs, Fairies danced in beautiful rhythmic motion ...

It was awesome.


Miss Ginger Grant said...

I am so sorry I couldn't be there for this joyous occassion! Next time I'm in NYC, we're definitley going! It will be good for me to experience Brooklyn, anyway!

Joy said...

Well! Now you can be satisfied for a while. At least it's closer for you now.

mrs.missalaineus said...

yay yay and more yay!


Sam said...

Enjoy it Sis
I will have to ride with Miss G and you over to Brooklyn.

Wonder Man said...

that looks good

Beth said...

O happy day! I know you two will be very happy together! XOXO

Mark in DE said...

So happy to hear that your opening night extravaganza wasn't thwarted! :-)

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