Thursday, January 14, 2010

American Idol Pants On The Ground

I cannot get this out of my head. BEGONE, "General Larry Platt"!!!! And take your catchy little tune with you!!!

"Looking like a FOOL with your pants on the ground" ... STOP!!!!!!!


Joy said...

I know! It's catchy and sticks with you. (like some people we know)

Angel said...

HA! he could be talking about Austin! his pants are always hanging down...but I think its mainly cuz he has no ass!!!

XOXOX said...

I can't stop playing it lol!!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE how Mary J. Blige is crackin' up behind her papers. Yeah, that's going round in my head now. Pants on the ground, pants on the ground...

David Dust said...

Mary J. was so entertaining last night to watch. You could tell she was trying so hard to be the older, more mature "Queen of Hip Hop Soul". But damn if these ridiculous contestants didn't crack her up EVERY TIME.

Wonder Man said...

lol, I saw this and I knew you would like it

Big Mark 243 said...

I wish that I had seen this as it aired..! I do think that it is actually viable as a novelty tune!!

Mark in DE said...

Now, you KNOW the Producers pushed this nut through to the judges JUST to be seen on the audition episodes. Otherwise there is NO WAY he could have gotten there.

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