Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Did Anyone Watch Lost Last Night?

I spent 3 hours watching Lost last night, and my head STILL hurts.  I watched the one-hour "recap" show, followed by the 2-hour season premiere.  And I still have no clue what's going on.

Does John Locke = The Smoke Monster = The Devil????  I am so confused.

Here was Joe.My.God's "recap" of last night's show:
Hydrogen bomb. Time travel. Satan. Smoke Monster. Death by impaling. Body switching. Gunshot. Gunshot. Magic sand. Alternate universe. More Satan. Magic water. Resurrection. Satan.

I welcome any and all explanations...


Eric Arvin said...

Ooooh I loved it. It totally feeds my need for complicated stories. Locke is the Smoke Monster, but I don't think he's the devil. I loved the scene where Ben calls him the monster an Locke saiys there's no need for I have tons of theories about what's going on. I also heard both timelines will converge mid season into one.

David Dust said...

Mecha -

You made me LOL @ "One DD is reading this, the other is @Arbys"!

Thanks for the 'splaining, Lucy!!!


Unknown said...

I tried, but I got LOST!

Joy said...

These explanations help. I'm lost, too!

zot said...

I enjoyed should be an awesome ride! Sometimes you just have to go with it and let it take you where it will.

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