Monday, February 1, 2010

Kewl Kitchen Krap

Even though I rarely cook, I LOVE neat kitchen gadgets.  So I thought I'd share three of the coolest kitchen thingys I've seen lately...

 Tea Sub. "Tea all live in a Yellow Submarine!"

 Heart Egg MolderPerfect for Valentine's Day.

RainshakersSalt & Pepper shakers that look like cute little clouds!

Source: The Daily What 


Miss Ginger Grant said...

Hey bitch... you just keep recapping yout little TV shows and leave the product testing to trained professionals!!!

I LOVE the yellow submarine and the clouds! The heart eggs look cute in the pan, but maybe not so much on the toast! Plus, Miss Ginger only wants that product around if there's a Mr. Ginger to make said eggs for her, which currently, there is not!

Anonymous said...

I can tell you that those egg molds can be tricky to work with.

Even though they're "non-stick" you best, um... lubricate with butter.

Practice before the big day!


Anonymous said...

These are really cool! I wish I had more room for all kinds of gadgets like this!

Anonymous said...

That tea submarine is too cool! I think Jennie needs one. And the heart mold works for pancakes as well, but Kevin is right. Adequate lubrication is a must.

God, that's just a universal truth, ain't it?

Joy said...

Well, how cute!

nitrox11 said...

I love kitchen stuff too, here's a few I've got (can you tell I like red?):

Mark in DE said...

Those are cute! Just what Spouse DOESN'T need. ;-)

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