Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Afternoon Dance Break - Feel What You Want

When former beauty queen and Las Vegas entertainer Kristine W burst onto the dance music scene in the 90's, her song Feel What You Want immediately became one of my favorites.  And I can't help it - when I hear Feel What You Want I still think about the NYC club that played the song ALL THE TIME - Club USA.

Club USA was one of Peter Gatien's megaclubs (along with Limelight, Palladium, and Tunnel) - and their Sunday night "Bump" gay party was a weekly must-attend back in the day.  Club USA was housed in an old theater which had many levels, rooms and semi-private nooks in which clubgoers could find all kinds of trouble.  And I knew every square inch of that biatch.

And - quelle surprise - when I Googled "Club USA NYC", this video came up ... and GUESS what song is playing...

In case you're wondering, Club USA was closed after Peter Gatien's drug/tax troubles and the building was eventually demolished to make way for the W Hotel in Times Square...

{{sheds single tear...}}

1 comment:

Mistress Maddie said...

Alright I'll post! Girl you know I LOVE ME SOME Kristine W! That song was a long time favorite. You know I want that white suit with all the out streched boas!

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