Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Mind and body obstruct one another's pleasures. 
...Mason Cooley, U.S. aphorist

All dreams of the soul 
End in a beautiful man's
or woman's body. 
... William Butler Yeats

Temptation is an irresistible force at work on a movable body. 
... H.L. Mencken, U.S. journalist


Unknown said...

i want to know who boys 1, 2 and 5 are...

Unknown said...

btw, daddy # 4 is a russian BB named:


aka my future ex-husband #6

m3an_b0i said...

I LOVE the second model! He looks bigger in that pic and significantly different (in a really HOT way) with his hair shorter. What's his name?

TonyJoe said...

I just saw Chris Villa, the last guy, two days ago at Eva's on 8th Street.

Anonymous said...

OH, Oh, Oh!!!!

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