Saturday, October 23, 2010

How Will I Listen To My 'Dead Or Alive' Cassettes?

Sony announced this week that it will no longer manufacture cassette Walkmans. I guess this means I'll have to finally buy those Duran Duran CD's...

Rest in peace, old friend ...


the dogs' mother said...

I am the ORGANIZED one of this marriage. I have a nice box with a pretty label - CASSETTE TAPES FOR THE CASSETTE PLAYER WE NO LONGER HAVE.

Anonymous said...

I thought they stopped making those years ago!

Mistress Maddie said...

Jeses Christ girl, you still have a Walkman? Honey just get a damn I pod and I'll show you how to use it. Better still I 'll get you one. I didn't even know they still made cassette players. And Mame, while were on topic, 33's and 45's are also out of ciculation. I don't know if you knew?

David Dust said...

Maddie -

Technology is too damn confusing ... I still have no idea how an Ipod works. But, my dear, if YOU know how to use one - then it MUST be simple :)


Miss Ginger Grant said...

I had no idea they were still making those anyway!

SteveA said...

A part of classic 80's gone - it would probably be relegated to a museum of some sort!

mrs.missalaineus said...

you can still buy vinyl- it's the 'it thing' to do in the alternative music/emo/screamo scene, to make a record in some wacky color plastic and release a limited number of copies so record scum (collectors) such as myself will go into insane bidding wars on ebay to purchase same records for super-inflated prices.


PFM7 said...

I have a suggestion, I still have all of my 'real' albums, records 33,45, 78 and some cassets from the 60's to the 80's Nina Hagen to Gregorian chant, only now they are also on cds and mp3 dvds for my portable music. And it was simple and cheap you need a cord to connect the cassette palyer to your computer and then download the free "Audacity" software from CNET then you can record, edit and convert the old media into compatiable formats for newer player systems. I love Audacity for the simple fact that a lot of the warmth of the vinyl is retained, also you can make great presents for people who love the old music they can not find.

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