Sunday, January 25, 2009

Smoke Signals From The Grand Duchess

I got an email from Dust Bunny Charlie, saying that our beloved Grand Duchess - Joy - is without a computer signal and cannot reach us here in the BunnyNation. Joy/Auntie Flame/Bernice would like us to know that otherwise all is well at the Palace - and she hopes to resume communication with us all soon.

I just hope Joy doesn't run out of firewood, which would force an end to her smoke signals for Charlie...


the dogs' mother said...

Testicle Difficulties??!!
Should we teleport Gorilla Boy to her rescue??

Anonymous said...

My husband needs that tiara. REALLY.

Joy said...

Love the tiara and YOU! Thank you for this post. So far, I'm back, but that's what I thought yesterday at this time. I'm making the most of it and will hope for the best. I was so pitiful without all of you.

I'm going to take the computer to someone just to be safe!

Thank you!!! xxoxoxoxoxox

Anonymous said... were right in the email..enough to make yourself laugh. Certainly did me. Aunty did have a brief spell on line, but when the smoke puffs went by the house at about 8pm this evening it was obviously acting up again. I'm not sure but what her internet people use digital smoke too and they're using green wood.
I can imagine her delight if Gorilla Boy showed up on her doorstep. He is becoming legend.
Thanks for the extra special post,David.
Lotsa love- Charlie

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