Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Peace, Bitch!

"Peace, Bitch" is the new Dust Bunny all-purpose greeting ... like "Aloha" or "Shalom" or "Play on, Playa!". This was inspired by the bestest show on television, Tool Academy. And if you don't like it, blame Dust Bunny Marker - it was all HIS idea... :)

So use it proudly and often ... Peace, Bitches!!

UPDATE: Dust Bunny Kailyn mentioned the proper hand gesture to use while saying the International Dust Bunny Greeting ("Peace, Bitch"). To illustrate, here is the Beeyotch from Tool Academy showing the proper gesture. We don't know why, but this the way it's done...

Sideways, Bitches.


Kailyn said...

When I say it in person, I like to use the accompanying hand sign.

Kailyn said...

I like that has become like "aloha." In the past I limited myself by saying, "Peace out, beyotch." Yeah, said that way, one can only use it for goodbye. I like this more universal take. And the hand sign is useful in case the person didn't hear you. Your message is still understood.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

It will be the end of every routine I perform on stage from now on!

Marker said...

. . . "in case the person didn't hear you" !!! Awesome.

Peach, bitches.

Kanani said...

Looks more like she's signaling, "snip, snip" or "Piece, Bitch!"

David Dust said...

Kanani -

"Piece, Bitch" works as well. And in her case, she probably WAS thinking "snip snip" (her man was a douche). LOL!


Anonymous said...

I'll be saying that as I leave preschool this afternoon. I'm sure Missy will love it!

Peace, Bitches!

Anonymous said...

maybe when Stephan wins, he will turn around on camera and yell
"Hey Dust Bunnies...peace bitches."
xoxo charlie

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