Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Weigh-In

I know it's been ages since I weighed in publicly, and you can probably imagine why. I have been doing everything wrong - not logging what I eat with Weight Watchers, ordering Chinese Food almost every night, and not getting any exercise. Of course this only makes me feel worse - which prompts me to eat more, etc.

When I last weighed myself, I had gained 5 pounds. I am certain that I have gained more since then. I didn't have the balls to actually get on the scale this morning to find out exactly how much I have gained.

But one thing I know is - if I do this publicly, on my blog, I am more likely to succeed. The first 25 pounds I lost in the fall was almost totally because I wanted to report good news to all of you. Yes, I know that may sound stupid - but it works for me, so don't give me hell for not doing this for MYSELF. Everything I do, I do it for you. So I will report back to you all in one week and let you know, officially, how I'm doing.


Fluffycat said...

I hope that posting of this helps you succeed! I find that if I don't track, I don't eat well.

LauraK said...

David you are refreshingly honest and inspiring. Thank you for sharing this journey with us!

kayce. said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!! :))

Mark in DE said...

Hey, whatever motivation works for you - USE IT!

For me, the motivation is picturing myself in a bathing suit on the beach. 'Nuff said.

Wonder Man said...

Well we will be there to help you

Mistress Maddie said...

Mamie- if that what it takes then by all meansdo it. I know it's easy to get discouraged but hang in there. This is a very hard time of the year to be active with the cold weather and all. But I know you can do it.You did it before!

Love ya girl-

Anonymous said...

you can do it if you try v i c t o r y!!!
sorry couldn't help, i am from texas and we like to cheer!!!
gimme a,,, d, a, v, i , d...what's that spell? DAVID!!!! goooooo david.

Anonymous said...

Long time reader, first time commenter... I can totally relate. I just started a public weight loss "challenge" with 25 other guys for the very same reason. Though everyone is supportive, the public accountability and possible personal embarrassment effectively stops my speed dialing my local pizza and Chinese restaurants. Good luck!!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

If you lose weight and I don't I will have to call you a biotch, but I wills till love yout. And that's likely to happen, since I have absolutely no self discipline whatsoever.

Joy said...

We are sisters! Read my blog about all this! See? The cartoon I used is what I aspire to since I'm not even there yet!!! I need the props, too.

Sam said...

Nothing is ever easy. I believe in you.

Renee said...

I'm having a hard time this week so I know how you feel. You can get back on the WW wagon- I know you can.

And remember, I probably wouldn't have started WW if it wasn't for you, so if you need to report to us to keep on track, then you just do it. :-)

Renee said...

Here's something else to help you David. You can feed hungry people by losing weight. General Mills is donating ten cents for every pound lost to Feeding America. Feeding America can donate one pound of groceries to local food banks for ten cents. Here's the link:

Go sign up! Go now!

Angel said...

I love you Tranny...regardless.

Anonymous said...

I don't care who you do it for. Just do it. I tell myself every morning that Mr. Clairol deserves a hotter wife and it really does help me make smarter choices.

Anonymous said...

you must have read Joy's trivia abouta losing calories by banging one's head against a wall. Just don't get into that. And don't get into kicking your own ass either.Keep getting into how much we love you no matter what.And you will not only feel lighter, but get lighter.
xoxo charlie

MCWolfe said...

I'm a relatively new follower so I hope it isn't presumptuous (did I spell that right?) for me to post this but I'm looking forward to reading about your success. That wagon you're getting back on, it is full of us who are in the same situation. Keep on going, David. We are all behind you.

David Dust said...

Dearest MCWolfe -

First of all, you are NEVER too new to make comments around here! PLEASE - the more you comment, the more I will adore you :)

Secondly, I will be honest. When I posted this on Friday, I immediately ate an order of beer-battered onion rings (my absolute favorite food). And yesterday (Sat) I pigged out also.

But your comment prompted me to get my act together. So today (Sunday) I had cereal/non-fat milk and a banana for breakfast. Thank you for the "nudge" I needed.

And thank you for being a Dust Bunny.


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