Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Head is KILLING Me

I celebrated the Inauguration of our new President just a little too hard last night - and my ass is dragging big-time today. Therefore, there will be no more posting until tomorrow. Furthermore, I highly doubt I'll be recapping Top Chef this week - I plan on crawling into bed the minute I get home, and staying there for a month or two.

Please excuse me while I go snack on some Advil, Rolaids, and Zantac. It's like Trail Mix for drunks...


Bob said...

I got a little head spin just reading's like a contact drunk!

Feel better!

Anonymous said...

Oye. Feel better, David.

Renee said...

Trail Mix for drunks


I hope you feel better soon. *hugs*

Wonder Man said...

well it was a good cause

Angel said...

aw hon....go to bed and feel better. and stop partying without me! ;)

love you!

the dogs' mother said...

Well, it was an occasion worth celebrating. A lot. But maybe not as much as you did... feel better soon.

Kwana said...

I feel you pain. I hit the champagne hard too last night. What a happy night!! Feel better. I don't know if I'll do a proper recap either.

Anonymous said...

I spent the whole day, every minute watching it. I am also emotionally spent. I went to the Martin Luther king march - the most disastrous year of my life. That was when I first came to NYC as a lost flower child, lived in parks, crash pads.etc. My heart was so moved seeing those old Black people at the inauguration.
I am assuming you are lying through your pearly whites and we will get a delayed but faithful recap. And thank you for your kind words yesterday.
Love you- Charlie

Marker said...

Oh honey - I'm having sympathy pains. I've been there myself . . . once or twice.

lol @ trail mix for drunks!

Make yourself a PediaLyte popsicle - sucking on something might help.

Tivo Mom said...

I feel your pain. Take a day off and watch reruns of something that makes you not think. Will miss the recap but you deserve a break. By the way, Bojangles chicken biscuit, seasoned fries and a sweet tea were always my hangover cure. See how I am obsessed with things I can't have.

Joy said...

LOL, Bob!

Sorry, being hungover isn't an excuse to shirk your recapping of Top Chef! We must have it! Notice how I've never been this way before? Change is already taking place!

Well, then, leave us a place to comment. :-(

Joy said...

The cute kitty pictures help but ...

Miss Ginger Grant said...

You'll be able to keep down Arby's in no time flat!

Kitty Bradshaw said...

You always have the best pics of cats up! You know I loveee cats! Thank you for donating these pics to my site..*winks* loll

Mistress Maddie said...

It sounds to me like tranny mix for drunks!

Anonymous said...

No worries, re: mint jelly! :)

Actually, I'd have to look pretty oddly upon anyone who WASN'T drinking their breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert the other day!

We started in with Bloody Marys and by the time PRESIDENT OBAMA was half-assedly sworn in by Bush Appointee John "ya gotta have FAITh-FAITH-FAITH" Roberts, had cracked the first bot of champagne. I was barely coherent yet still commenting my fool ass off of the live chat on Pam's House Blend until 6pm...

Yesterday was a quiet day- glad the President is steering the ship and not me! ;)

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