Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday Hate Update

Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell (below) – a candidate for Chairman of the Republican Party – thinks that homosexuality “is a compulsion that can be contained, repressed, or changed”. Yes, but Asshattery is forever.

An amendment to the Indiana state constitution was introduced yesterday which would ban same-sex marriage in that state.

A gay hotel worker (below) was told to his face that he was being fired because he was gay (Tennessee has no employment discrimination protections for LGBT persons). Then the Assistant General Manager of the hotel was fired for telling the truth to the press.

Right Wing Buttnuggets are up in arms that Campbell’s hasn’t backed down in response to their boycott – and the idiots have added Pepsi as another company that “condones sin by continuing to support the gay agenda”. Needless to say - put Campbell's and Pepsi on your shopping lists.

Six weeks after passing a Gay Rights law, the Kalamazoo (Michigan) City Commission voted unanimously to rescind it. The same mouth-breathing cave-dwellers behind the Campbell's and Pepsi boycotts submitted 1,600 signatures in support of eliminating the law - and the City Commission caved.


Anonymous said...

re: Kalamazoo

We were against the bill after we voted for it. Yeah, that makes sense.

Mark in DE said...

This is PRECISELY why we should focus our efforts on FEDERAL legislation to protect our rights. FEDERAL laws override state laws.

Its amazing that right wingers can be so hateful.

Wonder Man said...

sad, just sad with all of these haters

the dogs' mother said...

And then they wonder, worry and condemn the anger.

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous. When will the Federal Government grow a set and protect it's citizen's rights?!?

Jimmy said...

The Indiana bill will go nowhere. The Democratic Speaker of the General Assembly will kill it.

Unknown said...

blackwell, who's running to be chair of the republican party, also gave bush the 2004 election by disenfranchising black voters in ohio.

and wasn't the former chair of the RNC a big closet case homo (mehlman)?

Anonymous said...

Haters are certainly out of the closet. It's appalling.

Angel said...

my first thought with Blackwell....ya, he WOULD think that homosexuality can be repressed...he's been doing it for years!!!!

Anonymous said...

actually David, just before you go buy Pepsi, you need to know that Pepsi has been one of the most conservative right wing corporations in america, it has for years extensively funded the republicans and hte christian right. Pepsi have even been implicated in the assignation of JFK!!!!
my understanding is they have adopted the new Hope campaign and gay issues, to merely extend their market influence.
i'll find a good source for this and post it up

Joy said...

I'm buying Campbell's but can't do Pepsi - I'm a Diet Coke girl.

Brentwood, where that hotel is located, is a nest of varying stages of nouveau riche Republicans. I was hoping it was the Opryland Hotel which is owned by Gaylord, who dismantled Opryland to build a mall and destroyed The Nashville Network. So not only would that be ironic but would serve them right. I hate them. They wouldn't be that stupid though to say all that, and besides, they do employ gay people.

See where I live? Feel sorry for me surrounded by redneck evangelist nutcases. There are some of us here who, even though outnumbered, are hanging on.

Yes, federal laws must be changed!

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