Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hump Day - Coming To An END...

This picture looks like one big, delicious cookie to me.  But then again, I'm a lardass and everything reminds me of food...


Sozo's said...

No, it really does look like a cookie. Wait...I'm a fattie, never mind.

David Dust said...

Sozo - LOL! :)


SteveA said...


Miss Ginger Grant said...

It DOES look like a cookie- floating on a glass of milk!

Angel said...

looks like someting that belongs in a yummy bag of Chex Mix...oh, and the cookie isn't bad either! ;)

I AM doing much better Tranny....thanks for the love. Love you right back and I MISS YOU!!!!


Mark in DE said...

I'm with Beth - it reminded me of a piece of chocolate covered Chex cereal. But I'm a chocoholic so everything reminds me of chocolate. ;-)

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