Friday, January 8, 2010

There Is Nothing Like A Dame

Happy 73rd birthday to the fabulous Dame Shirley Bassey!  Here is "This Is My Life" - my favorite Bassey number...


Wonder Man said...

This is my fairy Grandmama

Peter Maria said...

I was shopping at Babette Schwartz in Hillcrest (San Diego) about a decade ago, and they were playing a great CD featuring remixed versions of some of her classics. Instant impulse buy (along with several Punching Nuns)!

Joy said...

She's gorgeous and amazing!

Sam said...

Thhhhiiiiisssssss iiiiisssssss mmmmmmyyyyyyyyy lLllliiiiffffFfeeeeee!!!! AaaannnNdddd. Iiiiii dddddoonnnnnttttt gggggiiiivvvveeee aaaa ddddaaaaammmnnnnn!!!!!!! Sorry got carried away. Luv her to Sis and you too.

Mistress Maddie said...

I love me a little Shirley Bassey! I only have like five of her cds!

Kyle Leach said...

How can you not love that strong voice, full of determination? Love her to death.

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