Monday, January 4, 2010

White Meat Monday - Table Scraps

Here are some tasty tidbits from around the Dust Bunny Nation...

My darling Kailyn is doing another giveaway.

Dan's husband Luis has started his own photoblog.

Mistress Maddie is gearing up for Drag History Month.

And, finally, sometime over the weekend I posted my 4,000th post.

6 comments: said...

Congrats on your 4000th post!!!


Wonder Man said...

4000 is a lot

Anonymous said...

Just don't get all smug and stuff, OK? We need you. Keep up the fantastic work and very heartfelt congratulations on your 4,000th.


Joy said...

4000 - you're a loquacious one, aren't you? :-)

Thanks for the links. Luis is amazing!

Anonymous said...

4,000!! I am not even close. Congratulations and keep p your excellent work.

SteveA said...

Congrats cutie!

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