George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson were community organizers. So were Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and Mahatma Ghandi. And Jesus. I was going to give Sarah Palin a big "SUCK IT!" right about now - but I just mentioned Jesus so I'll hold off on telling Sarah Palin to SUCK IT! Even though I REALLY want to just scream SUCK IT every time I hear the name Sarah Palin. So no SUCK IT this time, because of Jesus.
I would like to thank those of you who have joined the Dust Bunnies For Obama. We have raised $150 so far - and I would love to see that total continue to grow. If we could get 15 people to donate just 10 bucks each, we would double our contribution. Remember - all money goes directly to the Barack Obama campaign - and even a $5.00 donation will help get this country going in the right direction again. UPDATE: WE ARE NOW AT $200.00. THANK YOU!!
To Join The Dust Bunnies For Obama
P.S. SARAH PALIN CAN SUCK IT!!!!! Sorry Jesus...
I still find it monumentally interesting that in 1999, McCain was a maverick, and stood against ugly campaigning and the radical right wing of the Republican party and was unable to get the nomination. 8 years later, he morphed into everything he stood against, and then tops it off with the choice of VP.Suddenly, he is the GOP star, running on the past record that has nothing to do with reality. Sure Palin is unpalatable, but it is McCain 2008 that I find truly scary. He sold his soul for the power, and will stop at nothing to get it.
Needless to say, I clicked.
Howard -
Thank you for helping the cause. You've earned your Dust Bunny gold star today!!
And you are right about McCain. If the media still keeps up this "maverick" bullshit, they all need to go back to journalism school.
John McCain is now just another sleazy politician.
Sarah Palin takes women back 100 years in her views on abortion and stem cell research. She violates nature by the predatory hunting and killing of bears and caribou even if she skinned it herself. So go ahead and say it-Sarah Palin sucks!
The donnas
I have two job interviews tomorrow - if I get a job offer this week I swear I will donate $20. Until I have a real job, my cats and I still have to eat.
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