Monday, January 5, 2009

White Meat Monday Daddy Of The Day - Sean Cassidy

Below is a picture of Sean (right) with yesterday's Daddy of the Day (and fellow Strip Search contestant) Tony Cress.


Angel said...

tell do these guys dance and NOT get a hard on????

Dan said...

LOL - BEth you crack my shit up! They usually do dance with a hard on. Girl we so need to get you to a club.

Anonymous said...

LOL - You should go out more Beth !

Angel said...

come and get me boys!!!!! I NEED to go out!!!!

John said...

The first time I REALLY noticed Sean was that NBC reality show (I dont remember the name) when Lorenzo Lamas used a laser pointer to say his shoulders and pecs were 'overdone'.
I would love to get a 'hands on' opportunity to check the level of 'doneness' of his pecs.

Anyone else?

David Dust said...

John -

I think that show was called "Are You Hot". I never actually saw the show, but I heard about it.

And YES, I wouldn't mind letting my fingers do the walking with Mr. Cassidy.


Mark in DE said...

WOW - this is certainly NOT the Sean Cassidy that played Joe Hardy in the 70s TV series 'The Hardy Boys'. This one's WAY hotter.

Mistress Maddie said...

Sean is just waayyyyy to many things! We used to see him at Shampoo here in Philly when he did dancing on the boxes there with the other strippers. Hot.As.Hell.

Unknown said...

SO much like it a lot

Anonymous said...

love the pic of Sean holding the towel ... he looks amazing ... his size seems to vary ... sometimes more jacked ... either way he's hot.

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