Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Exercised At Home This Weekend...

...but Oscar wasn't impressed.


Beth said...

Wow, Sheeba has that same attitude! Amazing! ;)

Angel said...

awwwwww...Oscar is so cute. Has he adjusted to life without Emmy? :(

Wonder Man said...

my kitties also could careless as they lay out on the couch, but good for you

Sam said...

Good for you ho, now all you need is one of those hotties in a hoodie to whip your ass into fighting shape. Go Get'em Ho

Anonymous said...

Oscar may not be, but I am!

Bob said...

Cats sometimes just cannot be bothered!

But that Oscar is adorable!

Joy said...

Oscar and I had the same kind of weekend!

shirlnutkin said...

oscar is cute! (so ... with our without your dance music?) have a great week!

Unknown said...

I think we might need a post listing the music involved in the dance-a-thon, don't we? That would be interesting...

David Dust said...

Howard -

I just listen to whatever they're playing on AOL Radio for free ... the "Disco House" or "House Mix" stations.

I'm not smart enough to figure out how an Ipod works ...


Unknown said...

Ah, I bet you could figure out the iPod... If I could, I am sure you could as well.

I am somewhat obsessed with music myself, and have about 37 GB on my computer, which is beyond silly. Some of it is even from this decade! LOL

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