Thursday, April 16, 2009

Teabagging FAIL

Teabagging WIN...


the dogs' mother said...

This whole issue has been endlessly educational in ways nobody could have ever predicted...!

Bob said...

Pure unadulterated ignorance.

Anonymous said...

OH Hades, that last sign was hilarious. I think a t-shirt that says that is the perfect anniversay gift fot my husband.

Anonymous said...

Don't you wish we could teleport these idiots to some distant hostile planet far far away!

Joy said...

Someone needs to teabag them! Oh wait, they did it as frat boys but aren't gay! No way! Just ask 'em!

Mark in DE said...

That last photo had me LOL!!!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Hey! That's one of my stores in the background! Thanks for the free advert!

Eric Arvin said...

Ugh, ugh, and double ugh...

Beth said...

You'd think I'd be used to such ignorance by now...but it still astonishes me. Talk about sore losers....

I loved the last pic, too! Some have senses of humor...and some don't.

Hugs, Beth

Wonder Man said...

these poor fools

Jimmy said...

The fact is, the vast majority those pictured received a tax break under Obama's middle-class tax cuts. It's interesting that none of these people are at all concerned with the bloated $700 billion defense budget. A quarter of that would go a long way toward paying for universal healthcare.

Unknown said...

When agenda and logic collide!

Marker said...

I really want to hit the slag in the green dress with the "owned by the Chinese" sign. That didn't happen under Obama, you stupid cow!

Janeane Garofalo captured it perfectly tonight on Keith O:

"Let’s be very honest about what this is about. It’s not about bashing Democrats, it’s not about taxes, they have no idea what the Boston Tea Party was about, they don’t know their history at all. This is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight-up. That is nothing but a bunch of tea-bagging rednecks. There is no way around that. "

JenM said...

In what world do those FAIL comments make any sense? Just cannot wrap my head around such offensive ignorance.

Prince Todd said...

Janeane echoed my sentiments perfectly!

Anyway, I wonder how much did they pay the token black guy to hold up that sign, "Black people against Obama."

UrSoVain said...

How sad...

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