Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Christmas Comes Early

I just received writer Eric Arvin's latest work in the mail - Kid Christmas Meets Snow Globes. I am so excited to read this hot little piece of gay erotic fiction (complete with sexy illustrations by Absolutbleu NSFW) - which I plan on doing tonight. Eric (below) is a talented writer (and a Dust Bunny in good standing), so I'm sure Kid Christmas will be a fun read.

If you would like to order Kid Christmas Meets Snow Globes, please go to the Dreamspinner Press website HERE. It is available as a printed color booklet or you can download the ebook - and it won't break the bank.

Tomorrow I'll let you know what I think...


Eric Arvin said...

Hopes you like it :-)

Anonymous said...

sexy lookin author too.

Unknown said...

Sounds interesting, and I will have to check it out tonight when I get home.

And I agree with Berry, the author is looking hot.

Wonder Man said...

I am ordering mine soon

Miss Ginger Grant said...

I read some of his short stories and they were good but they gave me nightmares! He kinda like the gay Edgar Allen Poe!

Mistress Maddie said...

Mamie- I will have to get it. I jsut ordered another book in addition to those I already ordered and I can't put them down! I think I found my favorite new writer.


Unknown said...

Got mine this evening, and am enjoying so far. But am intrigued by the gay EAP reference. I want to know more!

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