Monday, June 29, 2009

Mistress Maddie: Over One Billion Served

My dear 'sister', the Mistress Maddie, recently dined at a fabulous Arby's restaurant and sent me this adorable picture. That's the newest member of the family in Maddie's arms - Buster.

If I remember correctly, "Please Drive Thru" WAS Maddie's motto back when we were young blonde Twinks ...


the dogs' mother said...

Did Buster get a roast beef sandwich?? Anything less would be dog abuse according to the labrador girls.

Angel said...

OMG!!!!!! Oh How I miss ya'll.....and that sign is VERY Maddie!!!!

Beth said...

Very cute, and what a good sport to take one for the team! :) XOXO

Anonymous said...

Both very attractive divas. mmm...makes me (a) hungry (b) horney (c) warm and fuzzy (d)All the above

Unknown said...

LOL. Nothing else needs to be said. LOL

Mistress Maddie said...

Mamie ,now you know that ain't true! I'm still short a billion by at least 20 men!

[Nicolas] said...

That's very funny ;-)) but stay safe ;-)

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