Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Tivo Mom and I bonded yesterday over Buffy The Vampire Slayer.  LOGO had an all-day Buffy marathon over the weekend, and it turns out we both spent much of the day watching one of the best shows EVER on the gayest cable network EVER.  A match made in heaven ... or in the Hellmouth - depending on your political perspective.

For years I've wondered why there were no Buffy repeats on cable.  Well, my prayers have been answered by LOGO.  Buffy will air weeknights on the GAYble channel at 6pm.

In addition, I did some internet research and discovered entire episodes online at LogoOnline and Hulu.  Last night I watched one of my favorite Buffy episodes on my laptop - Hush - which featured the super-creepy "Gentleman"...

I am looking forward to reacquainting myself with Buffy and the gang...


Dwight Supremacy said...

Love it! I watched some of the marathon over the weekend as well. And then for some reason, I woke up at like 2 a.m. and watched "Hush." I am sooooo glad "Buffy" is back on the air! That might be the only thing that can draw me away from Golden Girls reruns. :)

Unknown said...

OK, so on more than one occasion over the weekend I was flipping back and forth between Buffy The Vampire Slayer on LOGO, and the Doctor Who marathon on BBC America. And I wonder why it has been so long since I had a date. LOL

Dan said...

I am a buffy lover too!!! I had no idea Logo was running it! Yippee.

Anonymous said...

That episode was on last night. It is one of my favorites! Scary, funny, Willow discovers her lesbian side and love and Buffy and Riley learn each other's secret identities.

This episode was the only one nominated for in a big emmy category -- writing.

Anonymous said...

I am a huge Buffy fan! I need to invest in the series DVD so I can get a fix. Twilight just doesn't do it for me.

Jojo said...

Your so lucky - we don't get LOGO with our cable - but we don't pay for it either!! I have three seasons of Buffy on DVD (including the Hush episode - which is one of my favs) so I get my Buffy fix when I need it! Haven't watched any Twilight, but have just started reading the books that True Blood is based on - will see how that goes...

behrmark said...

I'm very lucky in that a friend asked me to babysit his complete collection of Buffy and Angel DVDs....

Wonder Man said...

you know I was watching all day on Friday

Brandon-Cristion said...

I LOVED that episode! I remember the first time I saw it.

SteveA said...

Buffy kicks butt - so too does Angel!

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