Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Lafayette Gets A Hot Piece

True Blood's most interesting character - Lafayette (played by Nelsan Ellis - above)- is getting himself a boyfriend for Season 2.  Kevin Alejandro (below) who I FEATURED way back in 2007, will portray Jesus ("hay-ZOOS"), a healthcare worker who takes care of Lafayette's mother.

A hot Papi named "Jesus" traipsing about the house in hospital scrubs?!?!  I'm going to need some alone time...


KAOS said...

WOOP!! About time.

zot said...

I love True Blood, but I actually can't stand Lafayette. Hopefully, he'll be more interesting to me paired with mega-sexy Kevin Alejandro.

SteveA said...

LaFayette is my fave on True Blood!

Joy said...

I guess he'll have some special powers, too. They all do on there.

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