Thursday, January 8, 2009

Daddy Of The Day - Wilfred/Alex

This fine young gentleman goes by the name "Wilfred" sometimes, and at other times goes by "Alex". Whatever you call him, he is gorgeous - and one of my favorites. Check out some older pics of him HERE.


Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm ! I prefer him when he calls himself Wilfred. I wouldn't mind having him on my couch now.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he is gorgeous. I wonder if he needs his Joe Boxers when he's done. Nice smooth choice!
Thanks David.

David Dust said...

To my new friend Mike -

Thanks for the comment! It is cold and windy here in NYC - see what you're missing?!? :)


P.S. - Tomorrow is Dark Meat Friday (lol!)

Anonymous said...

can you spell a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e
(and a glimpse of a back tattoo?!?)

Unknown said...

been waiting on daddy ALL day

mikeinbama said...

He's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

greetings from kentucky. i'll leave the door open for wilfred. i'll leave all my personal doors open for alex. if either one of them wants to cum in, i'll be happy as fuck.


Unknown said...

obviously his name is wilfred, cause if it was alex, he wouldn't go as wilfred.

those eyes are amazing... so sweet.

Unknown said...

He is just gorgeous. I am sure I could keep him busy for a 3-day-weekend.

Dan said...

Where are the pics of his dangly thang?

Mark in DE said...

He's quite handsome.

Romance said...

Oh, I love him tooo...

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