Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my Dad's birthday. As a testament to our small-town roots: even though it is January 2nd, Dad was the "New Year's Baby" (first baby of the year) in our town when he was born.

I know my Dad probably won't see this - the half-naked Papis and my liberal politics usually keeps him away from my blog - but I still wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday. Have a great day Dad, I love and admire you more than you know.


Bob said...

Happy Birthday to the original Daddy Dust!

Unknown said...

Happy B-day, DaddyDust! Thank you for sharing David with us!

Angel said...

Happy Birthday Daddy Dust!!!

and weird is THIS???? today is MY dad's birthday too! Honest to God. He is 70 years old today.

Unknown said...

Is this when we have the Jerry Springer moment and find out you two are half-siblings? That is why you are two peas in a pod!


David Dust said...


I would LOVE to be Beth's brother.

Although I guess the whole brother/sister thing would make it impossible for me to get TrannyBeth drunk, make out with her, and feel up her boobies.

In that case - Beth and I are NOT related in any way. Because I am TOTALLY getting her drunk and sticking my tongue down her throat one of these days...


Unknown said...

ROFLMAO. You go, David!

Mom2fur said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad! January 2nd is my mother's birthday, too--she's 86 years old and is more fun and active than many people half her age.

Mark in DE said...

Aw, that's a sweet post about your pop. I hope he had a great birthday.

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