Monday, May 11, 2009


OMG - a Catholic Priest scandal that doesn't involve embezzlement or little boys! South Beach Priest, Rev. Alberto Cutié (his real name) was caught cavorting with a REAL LIVE LADYPERSON by a Mexican tabloid last week. Father Cutié has since proclaimed his love for the woman - and will probably be kicked out of the priesthood as a result.

In my opinion, the idea of celibacy for Priests is ridiculous in this day and age. Just look at him - Father Hottie was put on this earth to provide HOT PAPI LOVIN'!

The celibacy requirement also provided a convenient cover for generations of closeted gay men. The Priesthood was one of the only opportunities for a (closeted) gay man to become an esteemed member of the community (and conveniently, they WEREN'T ALLOWED to get married). We all know how well that worked out.

Anywhoo, if Padre Cutié decides that women aren't his thing after all, he should definitely give me a call ...

Read more about this story HERE.


Ian said...

He's in the wrong field. He ought to have been a model.

Anonymous said...

Dios Mio. I'd give him my confession.

the dogs' mother said...

If folks would stop meddling in the lives of consenting adults we'd have a lot more resources to tackle real problems - like activities of adults with minors.

Romance said...

He is hot! I have a friend who is a total hottie ex-priest. He worked UCLA and fell in love with a co-ed- the sucky thing- he was still the coolest, hippest priest evah! He was, of course, sent off to priest rehab and ultimately left the priesthood which was really a huge loss to the church.

Now married to co-ed, but still misses being a priest.

Kailyn said...

Saw an interview with him on one of the morning shows today. I think he should call me.

behrmark said...

The picture of him shirtless in the tabloid - WOOF! Makes me want to change my religion.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

He is a doorbell! Cutay!

Joy said...

Whoopi said today that the reason the Catholic Church put in that rule that priests couldn't get married is to keep the money that priests were leaving to their families back when they could get married. So it's really about $$$$$ instead of some religious reason. They should be allowed to marry and women to be priests.

I'm a secular humanist and stand by my quote from House, M.D. I put on my blog: "Rational arguments don't usually work on religious people. Otherwise, there wouldn't be religious people."

But back to what's important. He really is a CUTIE!!

Mark in DE said...

I was as surprised as you that a priest would cavort with a woman!

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