Saturday, May 23, 2009

Straight Dude Saturday - Justin Graves

I found out some things about Justin Graves this week: He is truly a CLASS ACT. He has a keen sense of right and wrong. He works in an occupation which benefits every single one of us (and NO, it's not Fitness Modeling). And Justin spends a ton of time at the gym - obviously. Ok, I already knew about the gym thing - the other stuff I found out by corresponding with Justin this week.

And for those of you who are wondering - YES, Justin said I could re-post his pictures. And NO, he didn't insist that I tell everyone he is straight. Even though he is. Not that there's anything wrong with that ...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Certainly if Justin is as dedicated to his career as he is to the gym, he is to be applauded for that. Also, for being open minded and understanding that this is not just a "gay" blog, but an interesting blog filled with laughs, family, culture,
....all the stuff that we, both straight and gay, look for to make our day a little brighter.

Thanks to both Justin and David for opening minds, hearts and eyes.

LB Anon

J. Fox said...


Unknown said...

so he is the one that talked junk about his pix being on a gay site?

Mark in DE said...

Justin has a great body. Kudos to him for doing something that "benefits everyone".

Umm, what happened to taking Saturdays off of blogging?

Angel said...

I like a man who can say "I'm sorry"...that doesn't happen every day!


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