Monday, May 25, 2009

Twilight and Hunk Sightings

Okay - how lame is my life? I walked over to Blockbuster yesterday to rent Twilight - just so I could use the above picture on my blog. LAME!!

I don't normally read books - so I know NOTHING about the Twilight universe - and I'm not sure after watching the movie that I'm interested in learning more. But one thing I was interested in was that cute Native-American/Wolf "Jacob" - who I thought was just delicious. So I Googled him after the movie was finished, and found out that Jacob was portrayed by Taylor Lautner - who is only 17 YEARS OLD!!!! Which makes me officially an old pervert.

Actually, the highlight of my Twilight experience was the actual trip to Blockbuster. The store is about 4 blocks from my house, and on the way I passed on of my absolute favorite Hotties EVAH - Alex Pirolozzi...

Oh ... Em ... Gee... he is even sexier in real-life. Alex was with an incredibly attractive young woman (I'm assuming his girlfriend), and it looked like they were picking up some burgers for dinner. After leaving Island Burgers and Shakes (a neighborhood favorite - below), they headed toward 10th Avenue. It looked very much like one or both of them actually live in my neighborhood.

I don't know if my heart can take seeing that man on the street again...


mikeinbama said...

I would have knocked her down and had burgers with him.....HOT!!!!!!

Angel said...

I can only hope and pray that we some of this when I get there! and that burger joint sounds good.....


Wonder Man said...

he is hot

Anonymous said...

The books are better than the movie. I read the first one because Katie wanted to read it and I wasn't sure it was appropriate (before I knew a Mormon mom wrote it!). I got hooked, but I'm embarrassed to recommend it, because it is sooooo cheesy. Plus, I don't really want to send anymore business to any Mormon after this whole prop 8 thing. Trying to find out her personal stance, but no luck.

Anyway...the buzz is Taylor Lautner is bulking up for the second movie since his character will be undergoing dramatic changes in the next movie. I'm with you, thinking perverted old lady thoughts about him! DON'T TELL KATIE!

Anonymous said...

guess we know where to find you on weeknights now- about suppah time.

Joy said...

You know how much I hate those Twilight books from the rants on my blog. They are cheesy romance novels, so the movie must be, too. The first book was better than the others, but that's relative. The story was interesting in some ways, and they are definitely popular.

Joy said...

What did you think of the movie besides the eye candy?

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