Friday, May 29, 2009

Let's Go To Pieces!

Drunken Dust Bunny Weekend has begun! If you are in or near Manhattan tomorrow (Saturday) night - meet me and the Dust Bunnies at Pieces (8 Christopher Street) between 9:00 and 10:00 pm. We will be attempting the first annual Drunken Dust Bunny Bar Tour where we will have one drink at each bar (in and around Christopher St.), and then move on to the next one.

All attendees will receive a "Peace, Bitch!" button (below) and a bunch of sloppy hugs and kisses. Good times.


mikeinbama said...

I'm jealous. I'm going to try and call you guys at some point tonight, so keep your phone on.

Joy said...

I want you to call me and have the Dust Bunnies say hello at some point during the weekend!!!

Psychomom said...

Pinch a hot papi's ass for me!

behrmark said...

Have fun but PLEASE be careful. And remember Behrmark's motto:

Don't drink and drive. If you do, wear a condom.

Wonder Man said...

y'all have fun. Maybe we can have a drink once I arrive in NYC, David.

Mark in DE said...

Too. Much. Fun. Seriously.

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