Monday, May 11, 2009

Someone Is Trying To SAVE You Heathens

I found out over the weekend that if you accidentally type in the URL: (reversing the "s" and the "p"), you get re-directed to a "religious" site. For our purposes, let's call the site FakeChristianAssMunchers.Com - because I don't want to give them any more publicity than I have to. FYI: you have officially arrived as a Gay Blogger if right-wing Asshats are trying to "save" your readers.

In addition to not naming their site here, I'm also not going to link to it. Especially since the people at FakeChristianAssMunchers.Com think I should DIE for being gay:
Justify Full
"God clearly and unmistakably shows in Romans that those who practice homosexuality and lesbianism are worthy of death. They shall surely perish unless they repent."
Isn't that FUN?!? Do these fuckwads really think that a Dust Bunny looking for hot pics of Papiflesh is going to renounce his sexuality after making a FUCKING TYPO?!? Lame ... pretty lame.

But above all, I am truly honored they think my blog is important enought to take the time to do this. Thank you, FakeChristianButtMunchers.Com ... thank you.

If they only knew how VERY RARELY I have the opportunity to "practice" homosexuality these days...

Thanks to the "accute dyslexia" of Dust Bunny Micah for bringing this to my attention.


the dogs' mother said...

What is amazing is that they have somebody out there looking for sites like yours. I wonder just how many of your manly fellows they had to look over and study...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you didn't link it or dignify it.

Wonder Man said...

I'm jealous I want Jesus to save me too

Matthew said...

Actually they just own and anything you type before it redirects there.

I wonder how successful they are at converting people that way. I'm guessing the success rate is very high, considering the visual punch their site kicks.

Anonymous said...

Sad. Pathetic and sad. Here's what I know: God loves you. I love you. Thousands of readers love you.

They need to get their head outta there asses.

Angel said...

Jesus DID save me, but I refuse to be part of a group of people that hates others...that's not what my god is about. So sad for them, cuz they will be first in line to Hell....

Jimmy said...

These people are so unlike Christ. According to Leviticus, eating a shrimp COCKtail is as bad as man on man butt munching. I know a lot of fat baptists in big trouble.

Beth said...

Love the picture of Buddy Christ at Walmart! I know I for one, will be eternally grateful that they have saved me from eternal damnation. I'm sure even just READING about homosexuality has corrupted me! He'p me, he'p me! [snort] XOXO Beth

Anonymous said...

First off, Buddy Christ RULES! I think I may need to watch Dogma sometime this week so I can have a giggle.

Second, I don't know what Jesus they are worshiping, but if I were to worship a God mine would love everyone and everything equally.

Last but not least, I know I shouldn't give this publicity but if you ever want to teach kids how to deal with atheists or convince them that the earth is only 10,000 years old go here:


I also enjoy their shop and it's item descriptions! Priceless...

mrs.missalaineus said...

it never ends does it???????

love the buddy jesus @ walmart. i have about the same trust in both enterprises.


Anonymous said...

OUTRAGEOUS behavior from the I applaud you for recognizing it as the compliment it is. I love your grandmother's position on homosexuality: God didn't make any mistakes. I truly believe the FCAMs are a dying breed.

Mama Bunny loves you --

Joy said...

I'm glad you didn't link it 'cause so far I haven't caught THE GAY but might have caught THE STOOPID.

Mark in DE said...

Love the Jesus/WalMart photo!

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