Wednesday, May 27, 2009

NYC Prop 8 Protest

I stopped by the Proposition 8 protest in the West Village after work yesterday. There were a couple hundred people gathered at the corner of Christopher Street and 7th Avenue South - monitored by a few dozen police officers.

Okay, I'm going to be a Bad Gay now, but the protest was pretty boring. Low on outrage and energy, but heavy on the Papi Police Officers. One, in particular, really caught my eye. Even the back of Officer Romero's head (above) was sexy.

So I stopped paying attention to the protesters, and started stalking Officer Romero. Here are a few more grainy photos...

I know - BAD GAY!!! But maybe I would have been more involved in a marriage-equality demonstration if Officer Romero (or anybody else, for that matter) wanted to gaymarry me...

Anywhore, I couldn't stick around and march with Officer Romero the protesters to Union Square - I had too much crap to get done - so I hopped on the subway back home.


Bob said...

Oh I wish I was there. I would have sparked some outrage. I would have sparked some I'll-Cut-A-Bitch Outrage.

But alas, here in Bible-Belt-Red-State, there were no protests or gatherings or even frickin' tea dances in protest.

the dogs' mother said...

Well, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade!

behrmark said...

Methinks you should invite Officer Romero to your Drunken Dust Bunny Weekend.

Manhandler said...

Officer Romero is very hot, but he could do the public a favor and wear a tighter uniform with short sleeves.

Wonder Man said...

looks fun out there

Joy said...

This is a "make love, not war" kind of protest, especially toward Officer Romero! Nice pics.

Here in Red State TN there were protests in Nashville which is a Blue City that votes sensibly. Lots of universities there, which helps.

Mark in DE said...

That's part of the problem: no anger or outrage. When we start throwing bricks, bottles, and pennies like those legendary queens at Stonewall, we might get some rights.

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