Saturday, October 11, 2008

Daddy Of The Day - Rodrigo Tabajara

I have featured Rodrigo Tabaja before (HERE and HERE) - but what's not to love about this Brazilian hottie?!?


Todd said...

what's not to love? well, for one, he wears too many clothes...

and 2, his legs are kinda skinny... so he looks top heavy... but then, that's every muscle queen running around in the streets. none of them ever do leg exercises.

Anonymous said...

Brazil's definetly on my list of places to visit and he's a prime example of why.

Anonymous said...

the guy with the ripped shirt... is he the same one as the other pics? he looks different.

Anonymous said...

wait, the nude pics are fake!

Anonymous said...

you know what someone said to me about men in brazil? 10% are gay, 10% are str8 and the rest are available...

Mark in DE said...

He's got a great body, but there's something funny about his mouth in all these pics. Maybe its from too many lengthy BJs?

Mark :-)

Anonymous said...

well guys he stabbed his lover this february in london and is currently under arrest

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