Wednesday, October 29, 2008

See Ya In Hell, Bitches!!

This right-wing lunatic has told her followers if they vote for Obama they are disobeying God and will go to Hell. Seriously.

To all those who name the name of Christ who plan to willfully disobey Him by voting for Obama, take warning. Not only is our nation in grave danger, according to the Word of God, so are you ... [T]his election is not about race. It's not about the economy. It's about obeying God.

Read more about her asshattery HERE. I guess there will be lots of Dust Bunnies in Hell.


kayce. said...

oh shoot... i guess god's email went to my bulk folder or somet b/c i totally missed the memo where he endorsed mccain, b/c god knows i don't want to use that 'free will' thing. i never realized how DANGEROUS it is to think for myself; i will stop doing so immediately and hope god speaks to me as clearly as he does to janet porter. she must get his text updates or something. or maybe he has a youtube channel that i don't know about. (sigh) i am always the last to know these things...

oh well! good thing i already voted for obama! =)~ pssh, like i was going to heaven anyway: whatevs!

the dogs' mother said...

Went to look at her reasons why...
ah, abortion.

Being a Unitarian, and having worked for Planned Parenthood, I've been on the fast track to Hell for a long time.

When I was pregnant with the twins they phoned us in a bomb threat. Thought that was a bit odd, double abortion by explosive.

I have no patience with these people.

behrmark said...

For all us who will be in hell, we'll have the most excellent company!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

I have long since figured with all the boiz and gurlz going to hell, it will be tastefully decorated, spotlessly clean, have great background music, and a bar on every corner. We're already all gorgeous. At least we'll all be together!

Anonymous said...

If I was about to go Hell, then this bitch will be my demon slave!

Anonymous said...

This is so ridiculous. Salvation has never been about what you do or don't do. Even if voting for Obama was a sin, she's essentially saying that there is sin bigger than the sacrifice Christ made and that is completely unBiblical.

It's petty, but I kind of want to eavesdrop on her judgement day, you know? Sorry to get all Bible-thumpy on you. Labeling hate and prejudice as "Christianity" pisses me off.

David Dust said...

Darling Jennie -

Thump away, my dear! I'll bring the popcorn on her judgement day. Should be quite a show.


Romance said...

I have been having an open conduit to this kind of madness recently via La-La's first foster mom. She sends me all of this kind of stuff - Obama as the anti-christ, ban gay marriage, etc.

I am sick of it and so glad that La-La is free from the hate.

Guess I am going to hell and steering the kids in that direction as well...

Joy said...

As Mark Twain said, "Heaven for the climate. Hell for the company." See you all there!

Mistress Maddie said...

Mamie-I hope you didn't give the asshat of the year award out yet,because I think she is the winner!

Anonymous said...

I'm telling ya...the Protestant right wingers are going to have their turn at the inquisition before we know it.
( I'm reading some books and am obsessed with Inquisition right now)

SailorAlphaCentauri said...

Wow. I wish I had read this before class this afternoon. She would've gone over well like a lead balloon.

What an idiot. I'm not going to renounce God because I voted for Obama (yay, absentee balots!), and if I'm going to hell, it's for way worse things than this.

This is worse than when that jerk-off wanted God to strike down an entire school board because they voted to teach evolution in schools (despite the fact that the town elected an entire new board because the old board wanted to teach creationism).

I can't wait for this to be over.

Mark in DE said...

I wonder what God thinks when He/She hears sh*t like this, said in His/Her name?

Mark :-)

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