Monday, October 20, 2008

White Meat Monday - Caption This...


David Dust said...

I'll start...

"Dude, does this trash bag make my ass look fat?"

Anonymous said... are funny.

no help on caption for this post bescause all i can think of is how tragic the apartment is that they are in(where is top design?)and who does the purse on the table and shoes at the door belong to? one of those two? and why is the purse on the table brown & shoes are black? aren't the shoes & bag supposed to match?

David Dust said...

Alan -

Your observations make me proud to be a fellow homosexual (homosexual fellow?!?)...


P.S. - YES, shoes and bag MUST match - no exceptions, bitches!!

Anonymous said... about YOU?

JenM said...

Isn't that taking "safe sex" to the extreme?

Jimmy said...

"While you're setting there, can you take the hem up about six inches? I want to wear this Saturday night."

David Dust said...

"After a couple of six-packs, Jeremy's Project Runway audition tape goes terribly awry."

Miss Ginger Grant said...

"Do you think I'll need to where a slip with this?"

and your bag and shoes don't have to "match"..... they have to "go"....

David Dust said...

Miss Ginger -

I will defer to the fabulous drag queen ... "go" is a better term.

As we know from Project Runway, "matchy-matchy" is not a good thing.


kayce. said...

ok this is not a caption, simply an observation: goddamn that guy is TALL!!!

if i WERE to come up w/ a hilarious caption (that may take hours) i am sure it would have somet to do w/ golden showers b/c that was what first popped into my mind... somet like "timmy, a proud eagle scout, didn't know what the boys meant by 'golden shower', but knew to always be prepared..." ok, see? that's not funny, can someone help a girl out?

oh, i, too, concur w/ miss ginger... john witherspoon said it best in 'boomerang': "you got to co-O-rdinate!"

Renee said...

Is that a new look from Jerry of FORM?

Marker said...

Another night of drunken debauchery, horned-up "straight" guys, and excuses for getting naked at Marc's place.


David Dust said...

Renee -

Good one!!!


Mark in DE said...

"America's Next Trash Model hopeful Brad tries to prove he can make ANYTHING look hot."

Mark :-)

Anonymous said...

Renee took my first thought was "Gristede's challenge!"

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