Monday, October 13, 2008

Rotten White Meat...

Former Daddy of the Day (see HERE) Brady Quinn is apparently endorsing ancient evil zombie John McCain for President. The Cleveland Browns Quarterback is shown here embracing the Crypt Keeper at a McCain rally in Ohio last week. Read the story from Towleroad HERE.

It's White Meat Monday...


Angel said...

that's more Brady Quinn....

kayce. said...

he was not my type in the first place, so i am not worried about seeing no more of his stank ass here, LOL... i simply do NOT get how someone w/ any amount of sense could be supporting mccain, esp NOW w/ all the hate & lies pouring from his campaign.

(sidebar: have you heard what sarah p. had to say about the troopergate report? she said she was glad to be "cleared of any and all wrong-doing." LMAO!

the dogs' mother said...

ancient, evil zombie.... and I thought I heard it all! LOLOLOL.

Joy said...

Crypt Keeper! Love it! You're gooooood!

Marker said...

BOOOO Brady Quinn.

Mark in DE said...

Hopefully karma will do its thing.

Mark :-)

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