Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Donna Brazile Is Not Going To The Back Of The Bus

I love her.


Mistress Maddie said...

Donna Brazile is a favorite of ours too. It's a shame she didn't run.....

Dan said...

Nothing like a strong black women telling it how it is.

I love her! Always have.

Angel said...

I love YOU!

Dagny said...

LOVE this video. Had to send it to my parents earlier today.

Anonymous said...

I saw Donna on TV last night commenting after the debate and thought, "Wow, what an amazing, stunning woman!" Absolutely LOVE her! She can be my boo any day.....

Joy said...

Me too. She's a voice of reason. It's easy to see why and how she is in the position she is. I've liked her for a long time.

This, too, will be showing up on my blog. I'm such a thief! Or maybe imitation is the highest form of flattery.

Love you! Love your politics!

Kanani said...

She was on Charlie Rose. She was wonderful. Even Charlie was smitten.

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