Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Amy WineWarehouse Looking Lovely...

According to A Socialite's Life, Amy WineWarehouse's next gig might be the Big House (HERE).


Renee said...


What a waste. I hope Amy gets some help soon- she needs it.

Angel said...

gawddddddd, someone give the girl a damn toothbrush....PLEASE! the crud on her teeth!.....eeeewwwwww.

Mark in DE said...

What a train wreck.

Amy should take a lesson from Whitney on what drugs do to your career.

Mark :-)

Kwana said...

Oh poor Amy. I hot messery. I love her music so much. Maybe a stint would do her some good.

Anonymous said...

It makes me want to weep, to see that life and that talent squandered. I hope she gets help before it's too late.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

God love her, she is a train wreck! I wonder what happened in her young life that made her lose it? They say all great art comes from suffering- clearly is made a grammy winner!

Joy said...

OMG!!! What a waste. I also like her music.

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