Monday, October 27, 2008
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LOVES the picture, lol...
close 'em down for good!!!
The entire diseased, theocratic, corrupt Republican Party needs to be put down. They are a vile, metastatic malignancy on the nation's body.
As Larry David said, waiting for the election to be over is like waiting for biopsy results! So true. I cannot wait for this to be over. I hope we will have reason to celebrate with Barack in Grant Park next Tuesday night! If not, I'm really not sure I want to stick around for 4 more years of their shit.
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched, raised, beheaded, plucked and fried.
Remember 2000...
Despite the polls, which indicate that Obama has a lead in many states, I'm TERRIFIED that McCain may still win this election. So much so that I finally decided to get off my ass and volunteer to work the local DE phone bank for the DE DNC, and drive people who need transportation to the polls on Election Day. I'm out of work and don't have a penny to spare, so this is what I can do. I urge EVERYONE to do what you can. PLEASE. Thank you!
Dust Bunnies -
I think the cautiousness you are displaying is good. If people get comfortable, they might stay home - thinking it's in the bag for Obama.
We need Obama to win HUGE. The Republican attack machine is already trying to undermine an Obama presidency - citing "voter fraud", ACORN, etc. The bigger the win, the less likely people will believe this "voter fraud" bullshit.
Isn't it ironic - the REPUBLICANS accusing Democrats of trying to steal an election...
I can't relax until the results are in. I posted that article by Larry David on my blog and feel the same way he does about this.
It just has to happen.
Great photo.
Mark :-)
Honey please.
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